
Among the Paths: Gamalotal

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Gamalotal is a small village in the Nicoya canton that has between 450 and 500 residents. Unlike other villages, the rainy season is when there is more work, through agricultural production of basic staples, including rice, corn, beans and cattle. During the dry season the farmers leave for Nicoya or nearby melon plantations.

The Quiros family produces small plots of corn with irrigation to sell in the village in summer and sugarcane to feed cattle throughout the year. There are four or five dairy farms that make cheese, cuajadas (a traditional Guanacaste cheese), and sour cream and maintain dairy cattle to earn a living. There are women who produce rosquillas (traditional bread made using corn flour) and homemade bread.

En el cruce a Cuajuiniquil hay un puente por el que pasa el Rio Gamalotal, parte de distracción de los jóvenes en invierno y en donde con suerte se observan pasar animales como el armadillo, conejos de monte, pájaros, garrobos, culebras y palomas.

At the crossing to Cuajiniquil there is a bridge that passes over the Gamalotal River, where youths have fun during the rainy season and where, with luck, one can see animals such as the armadillo, wild rabbits, birds, lizards, snakes and doves.

In the village’s center there are small stores or pulperias, a school, a medical clinic and the Catholic church. To stay in the town one can call Francicsco Valencia at 8486-5820.


Route from Nicoya: from downtown Nicoya, take route 150 towards Samara and drive 12.3 km west, passing through Caimital and arriving at the bar Tilapias. From that bar, continue 1.5 km and where the street ends, turn left, arriving at Gamalotal’s center, where the Catholic church is located.
