It was around closing time, 11 p.m., after all of the clients had left on January 30 when two men entered La Vela Latina from the beach, wearing regular clothes and baseball caps, and held up the employees at gunpoint, stealing about 400,000 colones ($800) in cash and an iPad from the safe.
Melissa Shure, one of the restaurant’s employees, related that first one of the men held a gun to the ribs of one of the servers, asking for the cash box, and after no one moved, he waved the gun in the cashier’s face.
One of the servers thought he recognized one of the men and was later able to identify him on a video recorded the night before on a security camera of the Locanda, which rents rooms and apartments. The two men had gone to the front gate to ask about renting a room and asked several questions related to security, leading staff members to believe that they were scouting the place out for the robbery, according to Shure.
The iPad belonged to Nick Dailey, one of the managers of the restaurant, who said it was the first time he ever put it in the cash box. The iPad has a location device, which pinpointed its location in San Jose. Dailey said they have also received two phone calls from a person offering to sell the iPad back to them.
All of this information has been related to the Judicial Investigative Police (OIJ), who are in the process of investigating the case, although no arrests had been made yet as of the close of this edition.