Category: COVID-19
Neighboring communities take photos of social media, share them on Facebook groups and pages, write...
COVID-19, Special Stories, Human Rights
COVID-19 has drawn a hard and fast line across a previously porous border, and...
COVID-19, The Voice Explains
How is the Liberian prison preparing for a possible positive case of COVID-19?
Region, COVID-19
CNE is actively searching shelters for positive cases of COVID-19 in all cantons of Guanacaste
COVID-19, Special Stories, Human Rights
How COVID-19 drew the border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua
Community, COVID-19, Santa Cruz
Residents of Tamarindo marched to demand the full opening of the beach and reactivate commercial activity in the area
Region, COVID-19
The ICT says that COVID-19 could make them more efficient in implementing the funds of the Polo Papagayo for the benefit of the communities
Region, COVID-19
Guanacaste doubles Dengue cases compared to 2019 and Healthcare asks to eliminate all breeding grounds
Community, COVID-19, Cañas
Health authorities to carry out over 700 COVID-19 tests in Cañas to assess the extent of infections there