Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View, Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View
The high price of land in tourist communities prevents the population from having access to...
Category: Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View
Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View, Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View
Districts with high tourism demand such as Cabo Velas and Nacascolo have around 10% of...
Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View, Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View
The high vacancy rate is influenced by the real estate boom that makes Guanacaste have...
Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View, Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View
Housing as become a privilege and a commodity, displacing its other essential characteristic: the home
Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View
Brasilito is a typical rural town, except that it’s right in between two important...
Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View
The town of Panama Beach exists, but it’s far from being the tourist site...
Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View
Marbella: The coastal paradise where real estate development is already showing its effects
Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View, Nota especial: Guanacaste Ocean View