(Santa Cruz) Every day, we eat some corn product, be it a good old tortilla or a tasty bizcocho biscuit, but the funny thing is that we rarely have the opportunity to celebrate such a delicious food.
That’s why the canton of Santa Cruz will honor agricultural families who grow corn on Sunday, June 21st at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) campus from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The celebration will be part of the solstice, one of the moments when the sun reaches its maximum height and gives rise to the longest day of the year.
“The solstice is one of the biggest celebrations of nature and that’s why we want to celebrate one more year in which Santa Cruz has been declared a sanctuary for native seeds,” explained Juan Arriaga from the Sol de Vida (Sun of Life) Foundation, which is organizing the event.
According to Arriaga, there will be talks about the different types of native corn since Santa Cruz is one of the sites with the most varieties in Costa Rica.
In addition to celebrating corn, the activity will also celebrate the day of music, so there will be several concerts by students from Etapa Basica de Musica from UCR. The university orchestra will perform a concert at 10 a.m., followed by a presentation of the institution’s marimba group.
Of course, there will also be food for sale, featuring different corn products, and grain can be bought directly from the farmers.