
Christmas for Poor Children Can Happen With Your Help

Esta publicación también está disponible en: Español

On Saturday, December 21st the Pastorale Sociale of La Iglesia Catolica de Nosara is holding a Christmas party for 150 of the area’s most needy young children.

The party will be held at the Catholic Church in Nosara and selected children will be arriving from surrounding areas as well as Nosara.  However, the committee is still desperately in need of donated toys or cash to buy toys.

Toys should cost about ten dollars and be appropriate for children under the age of 10.  As of this writing the committee still needs toys for about 100 of the anticipated guests. Families living in poverty are not normally able to purchase gifts for children.

Toys are available for sale at Super Nosara and at Tienda Zule as well as other locations and may be dropped off at any Food Bank collection bin (located at Super Nosara, Mini-Super Guiones, and the Surfing Nosara office in Guiones). 

Cash donations may be made at Tienda Zule or by contacting Linda Tarlow at [email protected] or calling 2682-5476 or 8316-4835.  Arrangements can be made to pick up your cash or toy donation by contacting Linda Tarlow.
