Life & Health

Cigarette Tax Funds Invested in Exercise Machines in Hojancha

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The Costa Rican Institute of Sport and Recreation (ICODER Instituto Costarricense del Deporte y la Recreacion) installed 14 exercise machines in Hojancha’s central park, calling the project “Parque Biosaludable” (Biohealth Park). The funds, approximately ¢20 million ($38,000), come from the cigarette tax.

The machines are in front of the outdoor amphitheater and include exercise machines for flexibility, stretching, abs and aerobics, among others. The project seeks to promote the culture of exercise, and people of all ages can have free and open access to the machines.

On December 22, 2015, Elvin Aguilar, regional director of ICODER, officially delivered the project to the municipal council, representatives of the cantonal sports committee and Mayor Eduardo Pineda.

Aguilar asked the public to use the machines with complete confidence and take full advantage of them. “What we ask is that you are zealous, that you take care of them and use them properly. The machines are designed for everyone,” Aguilar said.

Hojancha is one of the first cantons in the province of Guanacaste to receive the Biohealth Park, as a similar one was installed in Tilaran on Sunday, December 20th.

The park will be under the management of the sports committee and will be supervised by ICODER for one year. In the coming months, the sports committee should hire a consultant to teach people how to use the machines, which are available 24 hours a day.
