Life & Health

Crafting the Perfect Romantic, Timeless Love Letter

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Valentine’s Day is around the corner and what better way to express your feelings to your beloved than through a love letter. Historically, love letters were possibly the only form of communication between lovers who might be separated for months at time most commonly during times of war. And with this void, emotions often intensified and romantic feelings soared.

The most engaging love letter is one that is memorable, heartfelt and genuine, preferably written in ink and, most significantly, has the capacity to deepen a relationship. Pouring your heart out this way, for many, is a preferable alternative to gazing directly into the eyes of your beloved and feeling on the spot, precisely because it takes the pressure off.  Allowing your thoughts to percolate and then composing a letter in your own voice, can be pure magic.

The eloquent love letter then is an extraordinary way to communicate the deepest passion that lives in one’s heart.  Even in this era of direct speedy communication it is never outdated or old fashioned to put pen to paper and craft a beautifully written note.  Opening and then slowly reading and referring back to a hand written letter may be the most cherished gift of all within a relationship.

Even with all of our modern technology and especially because of the fast pace of our lives, a well crafted and sincere, original love letter is definitely a worthwhile endeavor.  For both men and women alike, as long as the feelings are real and strong (and reciprocated), now is the perfect time to gush your heart out.

There are no hard and fast rules for writing a love letter but here are some guidelines. To start out, think about how you are inspired by your beloved and what has he or she brought into your life? Go back in time in your mind and review specific memories and moments that have swept you off your feet. How your heart has opened by being in connection to your beloved? If you’re inspired, include a poem in the body of the letter, an original one or a borrowed one (just make sure to give credit where credit is due). One of my favorite romantic poets is Pablo Neruda.

Expressing your feelings to your beloved takes courage and confidence. Be free and generous with your words and emotions as you express yourself. And remember, your letter doesn’t have to be perfect grammar-wise, rather this is your chance to be free and uninhibited. Your letter doesn’t have to be long, either, some of the most impactful love notes are just that, short notes.

Consider these swoons worthy words from French writer, Flaubert to his beloved, “I will cover you with love when next I see you, with caresses, with ecstasy.” He expressed his desire and passion without being overtly sexual- a true talent. Or these romantic and sensual words from Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera during a time of separation “nothing compares to your hands, nothing like the green-gold of your eyes. My body is filled with you for days and days. You are the mirror of the night. The violent flash of lightning. The dampness of the earth. The hollow of your armpits is my shelter. My fingers touch your blood. All my joy is to feel life spring from your flower-fountain that mine keeps to fill all the paths of my nerves which are yours.” 

When expressed this way, poetic, romantic, heartfelt and genuine love is elevated to art and art is elevated to love and timeless indeed.
