Starting February 28, Del Mar Academy community service committee (CSC) start delivering supplies and clothes to children in need to the schools of Nosara, Santa Marta, Garza, Esperanza, Santa Teresita, Los Angeles and Delicias.
The committee is helping more than 50 children in the area of the “Gran Nosara” from 7 different schools.Thanks to all students and parents of DMA that made this effort become possible.
This is the second year the CSC of DMA made a roundup to buy school supplies and uniforms to the children of the area.
In 2012 the committee was able to buy all school supplies of all students of Los Angeles school.
The community service committee members are all parents of students at DMA, their work is volunteer and they donate their time, effort, money and more for the projects they assume.
If you have a project that needs help or want to cooperate with the CSC efforts, please contact the committee trough DMA Director office.