The morning of Wednesday, December 3rd, traffic police attended a collision between two lightweight vehicles in downtown Nicoya behind the colonial church.
The accident happened around 8 a.m., involving a Hyundai driven by Maritza Jimenez and a Nissan driven by Franklin Carrillo.
Despite how dramatic the incident was, no one was injured. However, the vehicles were considerably damaged, with the Nissan taking the worst of it with significant damage to one of its sides.
According to traffic officer Rutman Abadia, since the change of one-way roads on November 10th was implemented, they have had to deal with two accidents in the town of Nicoya.
“I don’t think the change in directions affects local drivers, but perhaps those who come from out of town because they don’t know the roads well, and so far we have been called to two mild cases since the change was made,” Abbey indicated.
Nicoyan Jesus Alberto Rincón, who works across from the Catholic Church and reported the accident to this newspaper, said he thinks the mayor’s office should put in speed bumps.
“I work here across from the church. In less than three weeks, about three accidents have occurred. Today’s [accident] could have killed someone easily. They should put speed bumps and pedestrian crossings in these streets,” Rincon commented.
When asked if it would be necessary to install speed bumps, Abadia said, “In the downtown area, it is not necessary since motorists travel at a controlled speed.”
With regard to installing traffic lights, Abadia said that in the future they should consider implementing them. However, for the moment, the flow of traffic is running smoothly and the use of traffic lights would cause slow traffic and unnecessary jams.
Abadia also said that they are implementing a major deployment in different parts of the canton to exercise control.
“This time of year, it’s common for drivers to engage in violations of law. We are doing checkpoints to ensure that motorcyclists use helmets, that drivers carry licenses that are current and that they travel at the speed limit,” Abadia said.
Checkpoints that the transit police are watching are the entrance to Nicoya, the entrance to Caimital and the intersection of Pueblo Viejo. In addition, routine patrols are being made in the city center.