“Our homeland by our free will.” That is the motto written on the emblem of the province of Guanacaste. The phrase refers to one of the most important events in Costa Rican history – the Annexation of the Party of Nicoya.
The Party of Nicoya was located within the current borders of Guanacaste and was an independent territory under the civil and administrative jurisdiction of the General Captaincy of Guatemala. When Central America gained independence from Spain in 1821, the Party of Nicoya requested permission to join Costa Rica, due to the country’s close proximity.
In an act of pure free will, on July 25, 1824, an open council meeting was held, bringing together the residents of Nicoya. The assembly voted to belong to and annex to Costa Rica.
Villa Guanacaste – what is now known as Liberia – was located in the Party of Nicoya and was declared the capital of the department. Later, in 1848, the region received the title of province, though with the name of Guanacaste. That is why the annexation refers to the union of the province of Guanacaste.
In addition to increasing its territorial size, Costa Rica benefited from the great quantity of traditions and culture that form part of Guanacaste’s folklore, as well as its world-renowned natural beauty.
Malpais, Max Goldenberg and Percance to Headline Annexation Fiestas
The renowned Guanacasteco musicians of Malpais and composer Max Goldenberg will participate in cultural week festivities as part of the celebration of the Annexation of the District of Nicoya, which became part of the Republic of Costa Rica 190 years ago.
The activities will start July 22 and include the ska band Percance, who will get Nicoya moving with songs like “The World Turns” (Gira el mundo) and “Time” (El tiempo).
For dates and times for the events, see the information below. According to the organizing committee, many of the presentations do not have a defined time, as they will start as other acts finish, from 6 p.m. onward.
5:30 P.M:
• Opening ceremony and lighting of the streets.
• Parad with folk bands and local groups.
• Fireworks.
HONOREE: Lic. Jorge Luis Guevara Mora
12.00 M:
• Marimbas in the park.
6:00 p.m:
• Formal ceremonies.
• National anthem.
• Guanacaste anthem
• Words from the Municipal President.
• Words from the Municipal Mayor.
• Fireworks.• Local music: Nicoya Municipal Band.
• Tribute to Jorge Luis Guevara Mora
• International folk presentation:
• Africa Cultural Group
• Concert: Songwriter Rafael Angel Mora Fajardo.
• Local Poetry: Ana Margarita Obando Mora.
• Ojoche Dance Company (Nicoya High School)
HONOREES: Ronald Torres y Rogelio Benavides.
12:00 M:
• Marimbas in Recaredo Briceño Park.
2:00 p.m:
• Traditional food presentation.
6:00 p.m:
• International culture presentation:
• Lebanon Cultural Group.
• Municipal nand and invitees concert.
• “La Gran Nicoya” award ceremony.(Presented by the radio program Nago de Nicoya: History, Legend and Tradition).
• Latin American Youth Dance Group.
• Necoc Yahotl Folklore Group.
• Local Poetry: Ana Margarita Mora.
Public Dance: Son del Barrio.
HONOREES: The People of Nicoya.
8:00 a.m:
• Civic ceremony at town hall.
• First Annual “Annexation Route” Bike Race.
10:00 a.m:
• Government council in the park.
1:00 p.m:
• JIUVENES International Folklore Company.
3:00 p.m:
• Annexation Horse Parade (organized by the ASOCNI – Association of Horsemen of Nicoya).
5:00 p.m:
• Symphonic Orchestra Gala Concert – “July 25th. ”(Director: Lic. Jorge Luis Guevara Mora).
6:00 p.m:
• Cimarrona (dancing puppets) Parade Necoc Yahotl Group.
• Ojoche Dance Company (Nicoya High School)
• UNA Folklore Group.
• Masquerade.
• Concert: MALPAÍS and Max Goldenberg.
• Fireworks.
HORNOREES: CoopeAlianza R.L.
12:00 M:
• Marimbas in the park.
3:00 p.m:
• Marimba concert.
5:00 p.m:
• International culture presentation:
• JIUVENES International Folklore Company.
• Mexico Folkloric Group.
• Nicaragua Folkloric Group.
• Matambú Folkloric Group.
• GKumbala Dance Group
HONOREES: Nicoyan Youths.
12:00 M:
• Marimbas in the park.
1:00 P.M:
• Painting for All (New Acropolis).
2:00 p.m:
• The longest parade in Guanacaste. (Gathering of cimarronas).
5:00 p.m:
• Nicoa 37.
• Soulinaje Group.
• Concert: Percance Group.