In Tamarindo, a boy from Guanacaste falls in love at first sight with a foreign girl, doing the impossible to win her. This story, captured by photographer Sergio Pucci in his short film “Amor de Temporada” (Love of the Season), is not intended to be just a love story but also a portrait of Guanacaste.
[video:https://vimeo.com/133793142 width:500 align:center autoplay:0]In six and a half minutes, the Costa Rican photographer portrays a pulperia storekeeper, the livestock, the gravel roads and all of the typical characters of Guanacaste.
The short film is Pucci’s first audiovisual work and was recorded in Pinilla of Santa Cruz in April of 2015.
“My intention was to make a pleasant, beautiful story with the innocence of children as an ingredient. The idea was to tell a very Guanacastecan story that portrayed the culture and the pace of Guanacaste’s lifestyle, in contrast to the pace of someone coming from outside,” Pucci related.
Pucci, who is the author of Costa Rica Aérea (Aerial Costa Rica) and Árboles Mágicos (Magic Trees), has more than 18 years of experience as a photographer. However, he had never dabbled in audiovisual production.
The film was presented in the shnit Internacional Shortfilmfestival last year in October. Pucci hopes to produce a movie that would also be based in Guanacaste since the area has always attracted him a lot, but he does not rule out the possibility of making other short films beforehand to keep practicing.