
Lawyers and Topographers Take Advantage of Absentee Landowners in Nosara

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Property fraud continues in Nosara. Now it happened to a couple of foreigners, whose identities will not be revealed by The Voice to protect them, but they found out because of warnings from some neighbors that there were strangers taking measurements on their property in section K of Guiones.

According to the representative attorney and former legislator Oscar Nuñez, due to the warning from neighbors found out that their property had two mortgages.

“They went on the website of the Public Registry and there they found out that their property had transactions that were being registered by a lawyer who filed documents,” affirmed Nuñez.

According to the transactions, the property had a lien for $3,000 and another for $28,000.

How Do They Run the Fraud?

The fraud ring, which is comprised of lawyers, notaries and topographers, does a study of some properties that have not been visited by their owners for many years and find out personal information about them.

Then they manifest in a deed of protocol that the person who owns the property appeared before him (the attorney who supposedly presents the documents) to establish a lien against the property. The lien is declared in the name of a company that belongs to the same ring and functions as the creditor.

With this, the scam artists present the mortgage to the Land Registry and make it official. Once the mortgage is submitted, they wait until the auction is held to then be awarded the property or sell it to a third party.

According to Nuñez, in the case of his clients, the papers presented by the scam artists listed a nationality that did not match that of his client.

For now, the case of the property in section K is in the Judicial Investigation Organization’s procedural stage. However, the foreigners were lucky and were able to implement precautionary measures to freeze the property for ten years until the legal process is completed.

