Dear Editor,
As many of you have seen, there is a ton of party trash at the cemetery entrance to the beach. Every day tons of surfers walk past it and ignore it.
The Nosara Civic Association pays for the collection of the trash and periodically volunteers to go and clean the bins and replace the bags with no offer of help from passersby. It isn’t the job of Microsan to spend an hour doing this. Their job is to collect bagged trash.
Why don’t the owners of all the surf schools, who are making a lot money with classes, organize and each school take a month to send people once a week to get the trash ready for collection and put in new bags? I have been paying for the bags for years as a member of the Blue Flag committee.
This could be done at all the beach entrances.
I am more than happy to help organize and schedule, if someone would like to step forward and offer their assistance.