All breaths held, everyone stood up in the arena before he came out. The ones inside the ring were ready with their cameras and cellphones to record this terrifying moment that all were about to experience. He was the ninth in the lineup and the bull ride narrator had built up the tension for 15 minutes.
He finally broke free around 9:45 p.m. Famous with his resistance and anger, Malacrianza lasted 23 seconds.
After jumping up and down, running around in circles, the rider finally jumped off of him, while everyone inside the ring started pacing towards the fences. Malacrianza, with a national reputation of being one of the deadliest bulls in the country, didn’t react the way he was expected to, though. After a few subtle maneuvers, he headed back to his exit door. By doing so, he even disappointed the two cowboys who were just getting ready to catch him.
With his unexpectedly calm attitude, long waited Malacrianza show became a bit of a disappointment for the big crowd he gathered at the arena for the Garza’s Fiestas this March 10. Almost immediately after he went back in his truck, visitors of the Garza Fair started heading out.
Like many other visitors, surprised myself, I later remembered that Malacrianza experienced a lung infection in January and wasn’t able to attend Nosara Fair. Possibly, his health was not at it is best yet or maybe he is just not that bad-tempered anymore.
Apart from the bull ride, the fair was quite a mellow experience after being postponed one week due to strong winds of the previous week. The arena was the main attraction point for most of the visitors after eating dinner with typical fiesta food like chicharron, fried chicken, yuca, and carne a la plancha along with beverages.
Will the Malacrianza get his bad temper again? We don’t know, but it is definitely worth to take the chance and see him another time.