Nicoya, Entertainment

Mejia Godoy: “The Nicoyans Live Music with Intensity”

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The musical connection between Luis Enrique Mejia Godoy and the Nicoyan public is strong, and every time the Nicaraguan artist performs in the colonial city, he is received with affection and joy.

“I’m happy to be back in Nicoya again because I believe that here the legacy of the Chorotega and Mayan cultures are reflected,” said Mejia Godoy hours before he took the stage in concert on Thursday, July 25.

“I feel that the community and the municipality have made an effort in recent years to give the Nicoyans spaces for culture and art, which is a right for everyone,” he added.

This is the third consecutive year that Mejia Godoy has given a concert in Nicoya as part of the Annexation celebration, and he assured us that he expects to be present next year too. “I gladly take the time. I have come to Nicoya since the 70s.

This is the land of marimba. The Nicoyan lives music with intensity,” commented the musician. As for his next musical project, Mejia Godoy said that the album is titled Palabras con Flores (Words with Flowers).

He explained that in the Nahuatl language it is “In Xochiltl, in Cuicatal”, which means flower and song.

“This album was a challenge. It took us two years working on it, and it is a tribute to the Nicaraguan poets and aims to internationalize the poetry of my country.

They are poems in genres such as ballads, Caribbean music and folklore.”

The disc will be presented on August 4 and 5 at the Festival del Son Nica, which is dedicated to Mejia Godoy this year. The festival will be held in the Metrocenter of Managua.
