
Municipality of Nicoya cuts activity with the Israeli Embassy out of the bicentennial agenda

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The Municipality of Nicoya suspended the activity scheduled in conjunction with the Israeli Embassy within the framework of the celebration of the bicentennial of the Annexation of the Party of Nicoya to Costa Rica. The event was called “Water for All” and was scheduled for July 24 at 1 p.m. 

When the local government made the agenda public for the first time on Thursday, July 4, on its social networks, it received a variety of comments expressing disagreement with the event’s scheduling.

The State of Israel faces charges by the International Criminal Court for a variety of war crimes that its armed forces allegedly committed in Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip, including deliberately causing suffering to physical well-being or health, cruel treatment and international manslaughter or murder.

“Let’s not let our canton be an accomplice with the g4noc7d4l [sic] state of Israel, much less let Israel be part of the commemoration of the Annexation bicentennial. We have to protest against this on July 24!!!!,” wrote one person.  “What does the Israeli embassy have to do with an activity for the bicentennial of Nicoya?” commented another.

The local government then decided to suspend the event. “Our bicentennial celebration doesn’t want to be affected by any political situation or by [any] other situation. We understand and stand in solidarity with both peoples, brothers, I consider,” said Mayor Carlos Armando Martínez during the municipal council session, when he justified the cancellation. The agenda had been reposted Tuesday afternoon before the municipal session.

The Voice of Guanacaste consulted the Israeli Embassy about a position on the activity’s cancellation. The communications department said they are “obedient to municipal decisions.” They also specified that on July 25, they will donate a machine that produces water from the air to the Municipality of Nicoya, but they didn’t give more details about it.

Letters to the Council

On Tuesday afternoon, the council members learned of at least two letters requesting action regarding the activity.In one of the letters, citizen Mauricio Ordóñez Chacón told the council members that there was an “enormous human and political thoughtlessness from the organizers of this event.”

A hateful paradox that to celebrate the voluntary annexation of Guanacaste, a State that has annexed Palestinian and Syrian territories by armed force is invited,” he stressed.

The municipal president, Sandra Muñoz, proposed transferring the letter to the mayor’s office. But first, council member Luis Rodolfo Orozco asked to speak.

“Madam President, with apologies in this case, I believe that this doesn’t belong to [the] administration. This is on us,” he interjected.

“We’re representatives of the people. Of course, at this moment, I am against them coming…. In these countries, they live bombing their fellow countrymen and nearby countries every day. And we live, thank God, in a free country. And there the document said we’re going to experience 200 years and we’re inviting people who spend the entire year at war,” he added.

Mayor Carlos Armando Martínez then proceeded to admit that the local government canceled the event.

The activity is no longer among the activities for the bicentennial celebration. As a background, it’s that; it’s not part of the festivities and, yes, we want it to be clear that at no time was it intended to harm or consider a political position of this municipality centered around this activity.”

Once the topic was closed, some of the attendees applauded the decision.

Asked about the decision, Mauricio Ordóñez told The Voice that he saw the agenda’s rescheduling, “but I prefer to wait for the events to occur, and if so – it definitely wasn’t done.”

“Costa Rica, as a civilist nation that respects international laws and human rights, should set more of an example to the world…. You have to have the lucidity and political sensitivity to know that the actual fact in this history is a Palestinian people subdued, and that peace is only achieved with justice,” he summed up.
