Did you know that Nicoya was the name of the reigning monarch in this area at the time of the arrival of the Spanish in 1520? This and many interesting Nicoyan historical facts will be commemorated on July 25th during the Nocturbano, a guided city tour, starting at 7 p.m., that is taking place due to the initiative of Nicoyan native Cesar Rodriguez.
The Nocturbano is an initiative launched in 2010 by the Organization Chepecletas in San José. It is a walking tour through the most significant historic and cultural sites, sharing facts and experiences amongst all of the participants “I found the nocturbanos format very interesting, which has achieved a high level of citizen ownership in San Jose, so I thought it would be perfect to bring it to my community,” remarked Rodriguez.
The perfect opportunity to hold this activity is none other than July 25th, the date of the celebration of the Annexation of Guanacaste to national territory, the same day when the National Government Council is traditionally held in Nicoya. “Every July 25th I invite a bunch of friends to visit Nicoya. Last year I had a big group and thought that there was nothing to do in the afternoon. That’s when this idea ocurred to me as a way of taking advantage of the night to teach them some historical points of the city,” said Rodriguez. Anyone wishing to join this unique opportunity and participate in a cool evening cultural event can join the group on July 25 at 7 p.m. outside the Nicoya municipal building. This is a walking tour and will last about 2 hours.
Among the places to be visited are the Colonial Church, which is the emblem of the community, the Cabildo of Nicoya, where the act of annexation was signed, and some of the Cananga neighborhood’s historic homes. Since it is a public event at night, there will be police presence to ensure the safety of the participants, who can expect a wide variety of surprises and cultural interventions during the tour, that will make the experience an unforgetable evening.