Convinced that there is strength in numbers, hundreds of protestors from different districts of Nicoya are preparing to unite in a solid front on Wednesday, March 19th to request answers from the central government regarding various projects and problems that face the communities of the canton.
The initiative is a list of demands, 15 in total, that include the Legislative Assembly’s approval of the Coastal Territories Law (TECOCOS), the rejection of authorization and use of transgenic seeds in Guanacaste and the pavement of the road between Samara and Nosara.The petition will also include strengthening the fight to recover the southern territories of the Peninsula of Nicoya to form part of Guanacaste.
Marcos Avila, president of the Nosara Integral Development Association (ADIN), said that the departure from the town center is scheduled for 4:30 a.m., and they now have one bus full of people confirmed; in addition, he expressed optimism that they would fill another bus with neighbors from Pelada. For more information about the departure of the buses in Nosara, call 8670-8903.
In Samara, Marco Campos Campos, in charge of projects for the chamber of tourism CASATUR, confirmed that the National Medical Union made 10 buses available for transporting people, of which two are already full.One will leave from Cangrejal and the other from Matapalo. The departures are also scheduled for 4:30 a.m.
Ostional is also making plans for the protest. Magdalena Vega, president of the community’s development association, expressed that they now have two busloads of protestors and they will also leave at dawn to be at the march early.
Meanwhile in Nicoya, Zulay Carrillo, coordinator of the La Anexion Pro-Hospital Committee, indicated that they are convening members of the health sector in the canton and mentioned that they hope to get at least 1,500 people together. Departure will be from the hospital.
Marco Jimenez, municipal mayor, assured that he is in agreement with the protest and indicated that people should be given the necessary room to protest and demand their rights.
According to Marco Campos, the protestors will unite at 9 a.m. in the intersection of Limonal on the Inter-American Highway, hoping to block the flow of traffic until they get an answer from the government.