After being open for twelve years without permits from the Ministry of Health, Nicoya’s Sports Center has finally obtained operating permits.
Mario William Acosta, a representative of the Nicoya Health Region, clarified that the decision to close the facility was in line with new rules regarding public pools. “There are new rules for the operation of public pools that stem from law 7600. The order [to close the Sports Center] was made based on a study done last year [in September of 2013]. We have to clarify that, after that moment, there were improvements made, but the committee never notified us of those improvements,” explained Acosta.
On March 17, the administration of the Sports Center was notified by Health regarding the intention to close to facility, after determining that it did not comply with all of the requirements established by various laws.
Asked why Health waited until that moment to issue the closure order, as the Sports Center had been operating for more than twelve years, Acosta said that, “Everything has to come to a moment where things are put right. The new rules on operating pools have been in effect since last year [2013]. We simply applied the current rules,” he said.
Acosta explained that at the moment that the order was issued to the canton’s sports committee, they presented all of the documents needed to obtain the operating permit, which has now been granted. “If we have a pool where international events are held, we should have it duly accredited and certified; that is all,” said Acosta.