New wells, pipelines and larger tanks are some of the most urgent needs of the five ASADAs in the District of Nosara. In order to achieve it, the representatives of the rural water board administrators (ASADAs- Administradores de Acueductos Rurales) decided to deliver a letter on Monday, November 17, to the vice mayor of Nicoya, Adriana Rodriguez, who is part of the National Emergencies Commission, with a detailed list of everything they urgently need.
Christoph Hubman, president of the Bocas de Nosara ASADA, said that after a national emergency was declared for the North Pacific region on September 30 due to the drought affecting the area, the National Emergencies Commission is enabled to provide financial resources to the ASADAs and therefore they should take advantage of the declaration.
Hubman and the other ASADA presidents, including Esperanza, Nosara, Santa Marta, Santa Teresa and Playas de Nosara, presented a list of what they most urgently need.
Esperanza needs special pipes to connect their new pump with the storage tank since the current pipeline cannot handle the pressure of the new pump and cracks easily, wasting water as well as generating an excessive expenditure of electricity because the pump can not work properly. Also, part of the ASADA’s largest pipe in the center of town is exposed along route 160 and, according to the ASADA Chairman, Jose Molina, “this pipeline is going to break at any time.”
The ASADA of Santa Marta needs a new well because of the two existing wells that they have, one of them produces what is known as hard water, which has a large amount of iron, calcium, and other metals. The other well produces water of good quality but in very small quantities so they need to make a new well. The good news is that they have the lot where they can do it.
In the town of Nosara and its surrounding areas, Hubman said that the most urgent need is to install new pipes under the streets that the Integral Development Association plans to pave. The pipes in Nosara are from 1978 and are in horrible condition. The cost of changing them is high in itself and if they have to break pavement to do so, then it would be even more expensive.
While about 9 kilometers of new pipeline are needed to change those that are along the main street that runs from the intersection of Santa Marta, passing through the center of Nosara, up to the San Pedro neighborhood and returning through Los Arenales, Hubman says that they can start with 3 kilometers to change the pipeline that runs from the main tank in San Juan to Los Arenales.
Finally, the ASADA of Santa Teresa needs a new tank because the one they have “is damaged from the earthquake (in 2012) and is small also,” said President Secundino Acosta.
The ASADA of Playas de Nosara asked for pipes to replace the old ones.
Photo by Ariana Crespo - Water storage system exposed on Route 160 in La Esperanza neighborhood between Super Dos Lorenas and the school. Thursday, October 30, 2014.