
Nosara Youth Visit Amusement Park

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The Nosara Civic Association donated $1000 to the Youth Group of the Catholic Church so the children could visit the National Amusement Park in San Jose. The trip was the fulfillment of one of the children’s wishes for 2013.

On December 20, the children were waiting for the bus at 4 a.m. in anticipation of their dream trip, inluding seven from La Esperanza and 13 from Nosara. Only two of the children had been to the park before. By 10:30, they arrived at the park.

“They made a line to enter and we were able to pay the special pass for each of them which covers all the rides as many times as they would like to.  So everyone rushed to the famous Bocaraca.  Between jokes and giggles they went to the second game, La Gran Torre, where they rose 40 meters (130 feet) above ground and at the least expected moment the tower fell without giving them time to breathe. Their faces changed. They were white as a paper and they all were wild-eyed, but after a few moments they were again enjoying each one of the different rides over and over again,” related Seidy Juarez Rosales, who helped organize the trip.

After a long day of rides, pizza and dessert, they boarded the bus around 7 p.m. for the final ride home.
