Sometimes the sweetest dreams can be so real. This is the case of the Nutcracker ballet, in more ways than one.
The storyline of the classic ballet is simple. A young girl named Clara receives a nutcracker as a gift on Christmas Eve. When she goes to sleep that night, she goes to check on the nutcracker and finds him being attacked by mice. It turns out that the nutcracker is really a prince, who takes Clara to the Land of Sweets, where she is honored with a celebration of sweets from around the world, with dances representing chocolate from Spain, coffee from Arabia, tea from China, candy canes from Russia and more. Finally Clara is crowned and then finds herself back home, wondering if it was all a dream…
The dream of performing the Nutcracker ballet in Guanacaste became a reality at Rancho Tico in Nosara on Saturday, November 30, with about 40 performers, including girls from around Guanacaste, including Nicoya, Samara, Nosara, Carrillo, Hojancha, Nandayure, Jicaral, Quebrada Honda and Palmira. The youngest dancer is just 2 years and 8 months old.
In addition, some of the children’s parents joined them on stage. One particular highlight was when Valentina Spendlingwimmer from Nosara partnered with her father, who picked her up for a series of lifts and turns.
The lead role of Clara was performed by Janina Guevara of Nicoya, who at the age of 5 earned the maximum level of distinction at the primary level during the international ballet exam of the Royal Dance Academy at the beginning of 2013.
Overall, the girls did a commendable job, showing not only their ability but also their love for performing through their smiles, facial expressions and acting as well as dancing. Although many of the youngsters haven’t yet mastered how to point their toes, some of them are becoming quite skilled.
Their instructor, Patricia Vargas, who directed the ballet, said the dream of doing this performance began five years ago with the idea of offering dance classes in Guanacaste. Since the first “seed of ballet” was sown, the girls have been growing in technical ability, and for more than a year they have been practicing different parts of the dance in order to unite them finally to perform the complete two-act ballet, which went off without a hitch.
More than 100 people gathered at the restaurant to watch the performance, which began at 4 p.m. and concluded around 6 p.m. with a surprise performance from a young man who juggled and did acrobatic flips.
There will also be a performance in Nicoya, on December 8 at 6 p.m. at Saul Cardenas Cubillo School, for those who missed the Nosara production. Admission is free. For more information on ballet classes, contact 8852-0942, 2230-3548 or 2656-0085.