On Sunday, January 12, the Samara Development Association held their General Assembly meeting in San Fernando, during which they defined the boundaries for the new development association that will be created for central Samara. At the same time, Chinampas requested an extension to form their own development association.
The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. at the second convocation, with 63 of 142 associates present. Only two people from Samara Center were in attendance.
During the meeting, a resolution was made to define the boundaries for forming a new development association for central Samara, which will include Samara Center, Cantarana, Cangrejal and Matapalo. Geographic boundary markers include La Taranta Creek, the Pacific Ocean, the cemetery of San Miguel of Santo Domingo and Mala Noche River. When the new association is officially constituted, the 24 people currently associated with the Samara Development Association who live within these boundaries will be automatically disassociated so they can then associate with the new association
The community of Chinampas requested an extension to form their own development association for six months to one year to allow time to complete the Chinampas Multiuse Hall project. The project has a budget of 50 million colones ($100,000), the contract is ready and they are awaiting the deposit of the first 20 million colones ($40,000) to commence construction, according to Luis Acosta Fajardo, president of the development association. Since the project was initiated through the Samara Development Association, it must be completed by the same association, explained Acosta. Currently 26 people from Chinampas are associates of the Samara Development Association.
Other projects pending for the association include a recreation area for the children in Panama of Barco Quebrado, a new well in San Bosco of San Fernando, the final stage of improvements to the Buena Vista cemetery, which will include finishing the wall and building a pavilion for mourning, as well as lighting for the plaza in Buena Vista.
Elections were also held during the assembly and the board now has a new vice president, as well as two new fiscals. The new board includes: Luis Humberto Acosta Fajardo, president, of San Fernando; Alexander Castrillo Vasquez, vice president, of San Fernando; Elias Mora Villalobos, treasurer, from Barco Quebrado; Blanca Acosta Lopez, secretary, from Buena Vista; Gerardo Arias Bonilla, fiscal I, of Pueblo Nuevo; Emilda Siqueda Gomez, fiscal I1, from Panama of Barco Quebrado; Lidieth Hernandez Espinoza, Fiscal III, of Silencio; Maruja Mora Ledezma, Vocal I, of San Fernando; Flor Acosta Carrillo, Vocal II, of Buena Vista; and Albano Mediina Caravaca, Vocal III, of Barco Quebrado.