Running for a better community. That’s the spirit behind the SamaRUN race that will take place on Saturday Octuber 12th at 3 p.m. in Samara Beach.
The idea for the SámaRUN Carrera Recreativa (recreational run) de Playa Sámara, was conceived by Karla Montuoro. a local tica woman who participates in races around the region, and was impressed by the level of community organization and the benefits that these races brought to the local towns that hosted them.
She approached the CASATUR tourism board, who liked the idea and together they came up with a strategy to organize the event. Several more community members joined the effort, and SámaRUN was born.
It was agreed that the proceeds be divided equally between two projects: one, to fix the cafeteria at the local Sámara public school, and the other, to maintain the salary of the local man who cleans Sámara’s beach and streets 6 days a week.
Fearing little interest on the part of local businesses to sponsor the event, Carolina Alvarez, Karla Montuoro and Melissa Jiménez were overjoyed to see their fundraising efforts pay off… resulting in over 30 corporate sponsors, and several more committed to participating.
Regional and national organizations lent themselves to the effort, giving free publicity, sign-up spots and more to help Sámara further its community goals.
The race will take place on October 12th at 3pm, leaving from the center of Sámara in front of the police station, and will offer two routes, 5k and 10k, appealing to athletes and recreational runners alike.
The entrance fee will cost 15$ (7 mil colones) and inscriptions can be made at Farmacia Samara, Samara Info-Center, Nature Center Samay Gym-Spa & Tours. Tienda Galaxy and Tienda Morera both in Nicoya.
Prizes have been donated by many local businesses, SalSámara is offering live music, a local catering service and others will be selling food, and there will be events and activities for the whole family, whether running or just coming to watch and enjoy the day.
For updates and information on sponsors and prizes, please see the Facebook page SámaRUN Carrera Recreativa.