
Setena Approves Final Permit for Construction of Flamingo Marina

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The National Technical Environmental Secretariat (Setena) approved the construction and reactivation of the Flamingo Marina, the final institutional approval needed in order to start building. 

According to Setena’s website, the approved environmental impact study was published under resolution number 1763-2017.

Joaquín Gamboa, head of projects for the Flamingo Marina Development Group, confirmed the approval of the environmental permits and added that they have already been notified of the approval.



READ: Flamingo Marina Just Two Permits Away from Happening

The final step that must be completed before the project can begin is to hold a public hearing where communities and other institutions can clear up doubts or oppose the project if they have the arguments to do so.

“We don’t expect opposition from any group. We have complied with everything and done all the necessary studies. If someone opposes the project it would have to be over something very technical. But we’re not counting on that. We’ve held meetings with all the coastal communities and there is support,” Gamboa said.


The date for the public hearing will be determined by Santa Cruz City Hall and must be announced in a nationally circulated media outlet.

Slowly but Surely

If the concessionaire doesn’t have an exact date for works to begin, all of the project’s promised specifications remain valid.

The marina will be built on a 189,000 square meter space (18.9 hectares) next to the Coast Guard station. It will have 211 docks for yachts between 30 and 110 feet long, a convention center for 800 people, a five-star hotel with 180 rooms, a dry dock for yachts, a gas station and a mall.

Gamboa said that during construction, the project will employ 600 people. Once its operational it will generate 400 full time jobs.  

The project is estimated to cost a little more than $30 million.


a en poco más de $30 millones (Aproximadamente 17.400 millones).
