We all think we will enjoy these vacations as a family, that everyone will get along and nobody will fight or yell, “Mom, he started it”; but that moment always comes when we would really like to read a book peacefully, take a nap or take a yoga class…. without the kids., And not to mention those local parents who can’t take a vacation because summer is the time of year when there is more work. They definitely need to entertain their children.
For parents who deserve a break, Guiones Beach has two private summer camps, and for parents who work in the area, Nosara and Esperanza have two free summer schools.
So parents, don’t despair! This summer, there are plenty of activities for your “little monster”.
Esperanza: The Esperanza Summer School will run from January 4th to 29th, Monday to Friday from 8:15 to 1:00 p.m. and includes a nutritious hot lunch. Children ages 4 to 14 who are current students at the Esperanza School, those who graduated from Esperanza School in 2015, or those who will begin school in 2016 are welcome to participate.
The camp is free, although families are being asked to contribute toward the purchase of accident insurance— the same insurance they will be purchasing in February for the 2016 school year.
At the school, campers will enjoy arts & crafts, sports; reading books, games and puzzles, theater and dancing. The camp also has hired two vans so that every child will have a chance to leave the school each day— either to go to the beach for an hour, or to go on a special trip, such as SUP on the river with Experience Nosara, the climbing wall for kids at Climb Nosara or a guided hike at the Lagarta Lodge Biological Reserve. Younger children will visit Gabi’s playground and bounce on the trampoline and enjoy a snack at Mala Noche Restaurant.
Registration is at the Esperanza school, Saturdays and Sundays from 3 to 6 p.m. You can register your kid at any moment during the month. Kids from other communities can also register but must be approved by the director of Escuelita, Linda Tarlow.
Nosara: The summer school will run for four weeks from January 4th to January 29th, Monday through Friday at Serapio Lopez School, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Last year, nearly 300 children attended, so this year the organizers decided to divide the campers by ages, with the younger kids (5 to 9 years old) attending for the first two weeks, and the older kids (approximately 10 to 15) attending the last two weeks.
The registration fee is 3000 colones (about $5.70), which can be paid at Serapio Lopez School on the first day of camp starting at 8 a.m. on January 4th for the first group, and 8 a.m. on January 18th for the second group.
They will have a school bus to offer transportation to and from Santa Marta. Activities include sensory activities, filmmaking, a puppet show by La Bicicleta group, circus activities, arts and crafts and excursions.
Playa Guiones
Nosara Kids Camp
It opened in November and is directed by Paola Barrera, who has been living in Nosara for five years and has worked in private schools in the area and collaborated with public schools. Barrera studied public relations, is a certified surf and yoga instructor, and trained as a lifeguard and in first aid.
The camp, located in Gabbie’s Place, is open Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and welcomes children from 5-12 years old. The activities they offer include surfing, yoga, art, scuba diving, skate boarding and activities with local nonprofit organizations like planting a tree with Costas Verdes or donating school supplies to public schools.
Their mission is “to teach children the importance of taking care of the environment and the community, while having fun.” The team also includes a photographer and another surf instructor and all three instructors are bilingual.
Prices are $70 per day for four hours or $315 per week for five days. The price includes a snack, transportation and all the necessary supplies for activities. Calling to reserve a spot is recommended but not necessary. In the afternoons, they offer activities for separate fees. Phone: 8617 3603
Facebook: Nosara Kids Camp
Nosara Day Camp
They operate from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., with the option of extending the day from 1 to 4 p.m.. They welcome children from 5 to 15 years old and their mission is to “explore, live and learn.”
The camp is run by Nosaran Cinthya Rosales, who is an educator and has also directed Nosara Nannies babysitter service since 2010. Her partner is Canadian Elizabeth Cundill, geographer, anthropologist, researcher and mother of two.
Among their activities are visiting the farm of a local farmer to learn about local plants and animals, snorkeling in the tide pools of Guiones, surfing, touring the Nosara river mangroves, climbing, playing tennis, mini golf or skate boarding. Learning about ecology and our relationship with the environment is also part of what children will take away with them when the day is over.
The price per week is $325, which includes all necessary activity supplies, transportation, a snack of fruits, lunch and a smoothie. If you just want to go for a day, the cost is $60, and if you need to leave your child during the afternoon hours, they charge $9 per hour. For now, they only take cash.
Phone: 8360 9855
Website: www.nosaradaycamp.com
Splash program
Splash is a day camp offered to visiting children by Del Mar Academy, Nosara’s Montessori school. Boys and girls from 4-10 years of age can participate for just one day, an entire week or even a month.
Splash offers a fun experience for families who want their children to immerse themselves in the Spanish language, experiment with food and games typical of Costa Rica culture, and make friends with national and international children of the same age.
Enrolling children in Splash is simple. Just fill out the contact form through the website or in person at school.
The program has a designated place for the camp activities, in their 11.5 acre campus. Children enrolled in Splash also have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities such as art, soccer, climbing, junior lifeguard, among other activities.
The full-day schedule is from 8am to 3pm and half day from 8am to 12pm. Both options include a healthy lunch. The cost for a full day is $75 and for a half day is $60. There is also the option of signing up for a week at a cost of $375, and for a month at a cost of $ 1,400.