
The Nicoyan Doctor: Nury Solorzano, New Generation

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In Costa Rica, the legislators have the job of creating or modifying laws. In addition, they have the power to issue the ordinary and extraordinary budgets of the republic, establish national taxes and authorize municipal taxes. At the same time, they protect state assets and look after the safety and peace of the inhabitants, among other tasks. With their vote, citizens have entrusted these important tasks to the legislators. However, it seems that during this election period, the population’s interest in politics and in knowing who the legislative candidates are is indifferent.

The Voice gives you the opportunity to meet the candidates through the following profiles

Today we present

The Nicoyan Doctor: Nury Solorzano, New Generation

Nury Solorzano Guevara, born in Nicoya, is 61 years old. She’s a doctor of odontology, a title she earned at Puebla México University.

Her party has a centrist ideology, according to her, that is to say not the extreme right or left, but in favor of real, participatory democracy based on social justice.

To Solorzano, the government’s current policies favor the interests of a few at the expense of the majority: “In Guanacaste it’s bad, despite having huge potential in tourism and natural resources… Here the favored are the rich – the upper class,” she said.

On the theme of health, she advocates better equipping Guanacaste’s hospitals with medical personnel and technology. “The CCSS (Costa Rican Social Security Fund) isn’t giving anything to us; everything we could have is by the contribution of all of the people of Guanacaste. In the case of the hospital of Nicoya, there are almost never specialists… The older adult population is being discriminated against; special attention for that segment of the population doesn’t exist… We need to be cared for with dignity,” she affirmed.

With respect to protecting the environment, she proposes better training in environmentalism through the formal education system: “I believe it’s necessary for MEP (Ministry of Public Education) to include subjects in elementary and high schools that teach our children and youths to protect life, water, air and land…because education should protect life,” she concluded.


