The Municipality of Nicoya will finally work on the road between the communities of La Esperanza of Nicoya and Cerro Negro.
Reyner Barrantes, president of the Cerro Negro neighborhood board, explained that the road has not received maintenance from the mayor’s office since 2002, so the announcement that was made is good news for the 80 families that live along the route and who use it mostly to take their agricultural products to market.
“We, the residents of Cerro Negro, and the neighboring communities of Los Angeles, La Esperanza and Juan Diaz need this road,” Barrantes said.
On February 26th, the Cerro Negro neighborhood board delivered a note signed by more than 20 community residents to the Technical Unit requesting that work be done on the road. In this document, they specified that the road is impassable and that some of the drainage system needs to be cleaned.
For his part, Victor Reyes, engineer in charge of the Technical Unit of Roadway Management (UTGV- Unidad Tecnica de Gestion Vial), reported that they already have the budget content ready for the 10 kilometers (6 miles) between the communities of La Esperanza Norte, Los Angeles and Cerro Negro.
Reyes explained that the amount available to the Technical Unit for the road is about 11 million colones (about $20,750), with which they will do the work of compacting, shaping and cleaning ditches and shoulders.
For now, the mayor’s office is in the process of accepting bids and directly contracting hourly work on the road.
Regarding the possibility of widening the road, Reyes indicated that this is not included in the budgeted amount. However, he did not rule out requesting that people who live along the route provide some of the material that they will use as a base to conform and fix the road.
The UTGV estimated that work will begin in June.

Twenty years ago, they gook their products on horseback to sell them in different points of the canton. The route is extremely important for transportation for the towns of Cerro Negro and Los Angeles.