Mercury moves into Leo on the 9th, adding fuel to the fire of our creativity.
We want to express ourselves. Details get lost in our need to color outside the lines. We are enthusiastic, ready to share our knowledge and feelings. The question of will arises. Ask yourself what are you willing to do to get what you want. The knowledge of what you are not willing to do is often just as telling. Relax into the comparison. Resist the urge to blame others. This is your story.
Embrace the opportunity to uncover ways of communicating that will make you feel good about yourself, and your journey. Are there stories that you continually share, that frame you in a dis-empowered light? How can you tell a new story, or tell your story in a new way? Avoid speaking for the sake of being heard. Let others have their time in the spotlight; we all need our turn to be seen. Focus on the idea of how you can best nurture others and be of service to the world around you. Look closely at your abilities and skills. Are you proud of where you are? Who you are? Are you using your gifts and talents?Do the words you use to explain your life, leave you feeling good about yourself and your history?
Recognize the power within you to affect the world with your voice. Share your words warmly, letting the sounds spill out from your heart. Become a director fueled with positivity and enthusiasm; create the story of your life as the most compassionate and uplifting saga possible.