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Interview with Marcos Jimenez, Mayor elect of Nicoya
“I promise not to betray the trust of the people who elected me”

By Oliver Pérez

  After being favored by the support of the majority of Nicoyanos to be mayor for the next five years, for the Liberacion Nacional Party, the current Secretary of the Municipal Council, Marcos Jiménez Muñoz, initiated immediately negotiations with his future collaborators to plan productive projects for the canton. These consist for the most part in two projects: the environment and solid waste management.

In an interview the mayor elect promised that, once in office, he won’t betray the trust of the town that elected him, in the only way he knows to accomplish it: working to transform the municipality for equitable development for the canton’s population. He detailed the urgent need to repair roads, especially in the rural areas and to solve the problems of the garbage and the cemetery. The Nicoya cemetery has been unusable for 20 years and residents have had to take their deceased to cemeteries in nearby communities.

On December 5th in the municipal elections, Marcos Jiménez Muñoz won 44.5% with 5,609 votes, followed by Ovidio Jiménez (PUSC) who garanered 21.4% with 2,696 voters. Marvin Vargas (ML) received 19.4% with 2,442 votes, Aura Salas (PAC) got 9.3% with 1,166 sympathizers and in last place José Manuel Cabalceta (PASE) was supported by 5.5% with 689 votes.

The mayor elect talked with VON about what his administration will look like as of February 7th. He made it clear that the doors will be open to the media because after all, they will be keeping an eye on his work.

Were you always convinced that you could beat the other parties in the polls?
Of course. The Liberacion Nacional Party has a strong structure and there was a sense of participation from the people that was noted in the elections.

What experience did this campaign leave you with?
Nicoyanos voted for the ideas and proposals that we presented, in spite of the hate campaign. Nicoya showed me that it wants people who work and they weren’t taken with stories and lies. In spite of everything, I fought for my proposal.

What will be your initial projects?
The most urgent is to resolve the problem of the garbage. At this time, we don’t have a place to deposit the wastes and the garbage dump is closed. We also must begin with the cemetery. As for financials, we must collect the taxes owing, which are now approaching 1 billion colones ($2 million). And we must face the “pit” of the deficit of 300 million colones ($600,000), the result of management that didn’t collect enough income to cover expenditures.

What do you expect to find in the municipality?
Positive things, but also negative. I want to find a team of people who will take on the challenge of making a positive change for the good of the community.

What are you going to ask of the organized sectors of the canton (enterprises, businesses, industries, among others) to generate public resources and employment?
The mayor’s office will be the main partner of those who want to work and invest in the canton, under the principle that the main generator of employment is the private sector. We should understand that the economy is still in recession, but if we act with intelligence we can attract investment and generate employment and production. Our emphasis is that the civil organization must be productive.

What will be your priorities as far as restoring trust in the municipality?
I will seek to moving municipal resources to the communities, transforming them in public works.

What concrete action will be applied to halt illegal construction in the canton?
We will set up a directory and publish it in the official daily, La Gaceta. Doing this will identify the cases that violate the law and pass them on to the Ministerio Público (Public Ministry).

Which programs from the last administration will you keep and which will you modify?
(Smiles and thinks) I prefer not to respond.

I’d have to see if there is some program of which I’m not aware.

What style do you aim to imprint on your management?
Charismatic and managerial.

What other themes do you aim to advance?
I want to put emphasis on culture and the environment; these have been forgotten.

You were municipal executive. What can guarantee to the people that you will do a different job from what you already did?
In that period, we asphalted roads that were in bad condition and I did other works for the good of the community but selfishness won at that moment.

How much did you spend on your campaign?
More than 10 and a half million colones ($21,000).

Where did you get the money?
Personal savings and family support.

The Voice of Nosara asked the ex-candidates for Mayor to reflect on the results of the December 5th election and on what their future plans are now that the political campaign is over.

By Oliver Pérez Picado


Movimiento Libertario Party
Marvin Vargas

“I feel very satisfied after winning over a high percent of voters. We will be watching the decisions made by the head of the local government. Let’s hope the elected Mayor follows through with his campaign promises. [I] will be dedicated to my family”.

Acción Ciudadana Party (PAC)
Aura Salas

“From the sidelines, we will closely follow all issues we reported during our campaign; I hope Marcos (Jiménez) will not let people down and that he will focus on the area’s needs. As for myself, I will continue in my job as Director of Nicoya’s Centro de Adaptación”.

Accesibilidad Sin Exclusión Party
José Manuel Cabalceta

“I hope that Marcos Jiménez will focus his attention on the issues that have been affecting Nicoya and that everything that was promised during his campaign will become true, I expect a change. I will remain dedicated to my job at the hospital”.

Unidad Social Cristiana Party
Ovidio Jiménez

“The Nicoyanos are hoping for a positive change and now, Marcos is responsible for pulling Nicoya out of its current situation and getting it to “walk” again. For the time being, I will continue working for the community of Belén, both as a member of the Association and on the Board of Education”.


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