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Olga’s Bar Reopens with the Hot Rhythms of Calavera y la Canalla
On Saturday, the 14th, there was a big party at Olga’s bar in Pelada Beach as celebrated the reopening and remodeling after more than 20 years of serving the public. Among the new touches was the inauguration of a performance area for artists where the karaoke area used to be. While they continue with the same Tico menu, now the portions are much bigger.
There is No Art Without Complicity
During these days of January VON was pleasantly surprised to discover that Víctor Rodríguez, a well renowned Mexican painter who is considered a contemporary leader of a new generation of internationally recognized artists, was spotted vacationing with his girlfriend in Nosara, staying at L’acqua Viva Resort, where three of his works are on display.
Samara Fiestas Liven Up Year’s End
Following Costa Rican tradition, this year’s town fiesta in Samara was rich in culture and bull riding. For the second year in a row, the fiestas were held in downtown Samara, although this year the majority of events were held on the same property around the bull-riding ring, rather than having some attractions in the plaza, and a large number of people turned out to enjoy the activities.
Jorge Guevara Mora, the Teacher Who Filled Nicoya With Music
To start the year on the right foot, VON chose this man as figure of the month; a person who has put together a battalion of musicians in Nicoya, the teacher and conductor, Jorge Guevara Mora.
Nosara's Hot Summer Fiestas
To start off 2012, Nosara's popular Fiestas will begin with the "puerta!" shout, inviting all to come as a family and enjoy another year of the already traditional partying. Coinciding with summertime and vacations, the traditional Fiestas will be held from January 26th to the 30th.