Jorge Guevara Mora, the Teacher Who Filled Nicoya With Music |
By Oliver Pérez |
To start the year on the right foot, VON chose this man as figure of the month; a person who has put together a battalion of musicians in Nicoya, the teacher and conductor, Jorge Guevara Mora.
Born in Nicoya and a music lover by his own will, Jorge was born on May 3rd, 1964. The 47 years on his back are absolutely nothing when compared to all the experience that he has acquired. According to Jorge, at this point he is no longer adding years, he now subtracts them.
With a bachelor's degree in Music Education, he graduated from the University of Costa Rica, the UNED and Ulicori. He was part of the musical groups Anexión and Dinastía, and was also a member of the choir of Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) in Nicoya.
This man, of short stature and a strong musical presence, always dreamed of creating a music school and, being himself an example of the famous saying, "persevere and you will succeed"... Jorge attained his dream. In 2008 he received the news that the Ministerio de Cultura was about to open a music school in Nicoya, under the supervision of the National Music Education System (Sistema Nacional de Educación Musical), and he had been chosen to direct it.
On May 16th, 2009, the first musical notes were heard in Nicoya's Catholic Church where former Costa Rican President, Oscar Arias, declared open the music school. Jorge then formed the 25 de Julio Municipal Symphony Orchestra.
From a desk in the old building located next to Nicoya's Municipalidad, where his pupils practice, Jorge has improvised an office space. There he contemplates how, within this seedbed of talented musicians, trainees struggle to tune their musical notes in their search of the perfect sound.
When asked about the meaning of music in his life, he replies poetically: "I once wrote that I wanted the tenderness of a child, a teenager's dreams and the strength of a Sirion. If asked what music means to me, I would have no way of defining it", he affirms and continues, "I believe that God gave me this gift so I could put it to good use by helping others.
I've always tried to respond to this generous gift from God and have attained great satisfactions, as well as various pitfalls that I've had to overcome. I've always lived by the motto that with faith anything can be attained", reflects Jorge.
However, he can certainly feel proud of the support he's received from so many people; for example, the Municipalidad will start constructing a building that will provide greater comfort and better quality services to all children and young people who attend the music school.
As Music Director of the Symphony Orchestra, one of his biggest satisfactions was playing at the Teatro Melico Salazar, where he and his musicians "burst" fffthe theatre with their music. According to those who attended, their performance was amazing, receiving high marks from all.
Jorge is ending the year 2011 filled with joy and high hopes that he will be able to continue embracing life's satisfactions during 2012 with his wife and two children. Meanwhile, the city's streets are filled with children and teenagers carrying their instruments, and this is his biggest trophy
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Astrology VON January 2012
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