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Pictures and News of the Month
•The Voice of Nosara brings you a brief recap of March stories you might have missed.


Nosara Asked for More Security on National Television

On Monday, March 4, the Channel 7 news program “Telenoticias” broadcast around the country a 7-minute news item titled “Wave of Thefts in Nosara Generates Anxiety and Insecurity in Neighbors in the Area.”Read full article here.

Unusual Dengue Cases Decrease after Fumigation in Nicoya Canton

A high amount of cases of dengue fever in the Nicoya Canton were being seen during January and February, unusual for dry season when there should be less breeding grounds for the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry the illness. Read full article here.  

Strong Winds Damage Houses and Halt Fiestas

Strong winds on Saturday and Sunday, March 2 and 3, left many sleepless, listening to the metal roof sheets banging, loosening and in some cases actually flying loose. Read full article here.

Malacrianza Runs Calmer


All breaths held, everyone stood up in the arena before he came out. The ones inside the ring were ready with their cameras and cellphones to record this terrifying moment that all were about to experience. He was the ninth in the lineup and the bull ride narrator had built up the tension for 15 minutes. Read full article here.  

Pavement Coming in Stretches from Nosara to Esperanza

First a stretch of 900 meters was paved in downtown Nosara in December (originally intended to be two kilometers); now an agreement has been made to pave 13 kilometers from Nosara to Esperanza…. and someday the long promised pavement of the entire 28 kilometers from Nosara to Samara just might finally become a reality. Read full article here.

Culinary Competition Heats Up Creativity of Local Chefs

“Taste of Nosara” showed the depth of culinary talent as chefs from local restaurants competed for bragging rights and raised a much-needed $1565 for the fire-fighting and security association.Read full article here.

Tai ma, the dog that surfs the Guiones waves (Video)

What could be better than having your pooch as your surf buddy? Enrique Campos, a local surf instructor and business owner, is that lucky one in Guiones. He gets to ride the waves with his pup pretty frequently. Read full article here.

Guanacaste Reps and Presidential House Initiated Dialogue

“The balance sheet is positive… We’re leaving satisfied. This is only the beginning,” commented Wilmar Matarrita, member of the Guanacaste Struggle Front (Frente de Lucha Guanacasteco) who traveled with other members of the negotiating commission to look for urgent solutions for the province. Read full article here.

Workshop about the Future of Water United Members of 11 ASADAS

Worried about the future of water in the Nicoya Peninsula, a group of 50 people met last Thursday, March 14, to visualize and evaluate the possible future scenarios in the area for the most vital liquid, as well as to define the principle actions to take for responsible management of hydraulic resources. Read full article here.


More Regional News

Air Traffic At Juan Santamaria Airport Will Be Affected by Obama Visit

The landing of Air Force One, the airplane carrying U.S. President Barack Obama, will affect operations at the Juan Santamaría International (SJO) airport from May 3 to May 5.

Lagislators Correct "Gag Law" and Ensure Freedom of the Press

As if it were the end of a suspense novel, the correction to the computer crime law, known as the "gag law", has finally been approved at the second debate.

Tourism Recovers Says ICT

Tourism appears to have recovered nicely after the worldwide recession. Tourists are not only coming in greater numbers but they are spending more.

Dengue Epidemic Continues in Nicoya Due to Negligence

Communities have dropped their guard and now the aedes aegypti mosquitos that transmit dengue “are having a party”, according to Maria Eugenia Villalta, medical director of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), who reported a 300% increase in cases of dengue in the country compared to this same period in 2012.

Every Two Days a Home is Robbed in the Nicoya Canton

During the course of today and into tomorrow thieves will enter a Nicoyan property to steal its belongings.

Bailey Bridges Don’t Meet International Standards

Recently concerns have been raised about the safety of the Bailey bridges that have been used in many places around the country, including in the districts of Samara and Nosara.

Is a Coastal Canton Separate from Nicoya Possible?

“The fight for the coast’s canton has started and we need the support of everyone. Only united can we achieve it!!!”

Municipality Now Collecting Hospital’s Garbage

In early March, the Constitutional Court ordered that the Municipality of Nicoya should pick up the ordinary garbage generated by the La Anexion Hospital. This was because the municipality stopped collecting garbage from the medical center since they didn’t separate the ordinary garbage from the hospital wastes. 

Muni Now Has Approval to Distribute Money to Families Affected by Earthquake

The Municipality of Nicoya now has the green light from the General Controller of the Republic and the Ministry of Finance to distribute the 568 million colones ($1,136,000) that will be granted to more than 400 families to repair their homes after the earthquake of last September 5.

Water Shortages Cause Hardships

After an abnormally dry rainy season, coming into the hottest and driest months of summer, many communities are being forced to ration water by shutting off water periodically, especially towns that already had problems with insufficient water supplies.

The $70 Million Promised for Pavement of Route 160 Doesn’t Exist

Luis Antonio Aiza, legislator of PLN (National Liberation Party) for Guanacaste, said that the $70,000,000 pertaining to the loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (BID) made in 2008 supposedly to be invested in route 160 “were false promises since this amount never existed.”

Pictures and News of the Month

The Voice of Nosara brings you a brief recap of March stories you might have missed.

No Dry Law, No Problem: Police Report Holy Week Calmer Than Normal

Every year during Easter Week, in addition to religious activities, going to the beach tops the list of ways to celebrate. This year, as usual, the beaches from Carrillo and Samara to Guiones and Pelada were filled with visitors, but with some notable differences.


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