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Caricaco Music Festival – A Flavor For Every Palate
Saturday April 24th marked the Second Annual Caricaco Music Festival held at Tierra Magnifica. Four unique bands and local singers, came together to present Nosara residents and visitors with a variety of beats and rhythms. This year over 350 people attended the anxiously anticipated event, ranging from young children to seasoned adults from many corners of the world. More >
The “Bull Festival Fairs”
As it is traditional in Nosara, every April the Rodeo Fairs take place, and this year was no exception. Said event took place from April 15th to 18th, inviting the town and surrounding areas to enjoy the highly anticipated event. More >
Breakdancing Comes to Nosara with Youth Group “King of the Danceball”
We find the Youth Breakdance Group, King of the Danceball, looking as happy as can be, with desires to improve themselves, to learn and do things well. They are just now taking their first steps in the exquisite world of dance and they are aiming for one of the most complicated styles: breakdancing. “We like this type of dance a lot, we just feel the music and let it carry us, it makes us vibrate” says one member of the group, Kevin. More >
MAY Astrology Report
As May begins let optimism and faith open your mind and heart. Find the balance between being grounded in the real, and seeking the ideal. Surprises are possible. Shake ups and break ups are par for the course. Choose to believe in miracles. Trust that this last spin cycle is necessary. More >
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