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6 Toxic Reason Why Not To Burn Trash
By Kathy Santeiro

Trash fires that people start effect the entire community. Shown here are multiple fires spreading over the Pueblo of Nosara recently.
  Open yard burning of household trash is common practice here in Nosara.

Disposing of your trash in this matter may seem like a harmless and easy way to rid yourself of the daily pileup, but studies, from the United States Environment Protection Agency, now show this is a very hazardous activity for the human health of the community and the environment.

Please read the following 6 toxic reasons to make an informed decision as to whether or not to continue this practice.

1) Produce DIOXINS
WhatÕs a dioxin? Dioxins are highly toxic, long lasting organic compounds that are released through open trash burning. They are very dangerous, even at low levels, and have been linked to several health problems, including cancer, reproductive and developmental disorders. These dioxins, when airborne, settle onto feed crops, which are then eaten by meat and dairy animals, which are then ingested by humans. They also settle on water or enter waterways through soil erosion. Not a good scenario.

2) Produce Toxin ASH
Yard burning of everyday household trash produces ashes, which can contain metals such as mercury, lead, chromium, and arsenic. These metals are toxic to ingest. Unaware of the dangers, some people scatter this ash in their gardens, which can then be absorbed by vegetables and make them dangerous to eat. Children playing near this ash can accidently ingest soil containing these metals. They can also wash into our groundwater and contaminate our drinking water.

If these two reasons alone are not enough to want to discontinue the practice of burning, the list goes on. There are also:

Causing lung and heart problems, when inhaled they can worsen pre-existing respiratory conditions such as asthma

Easier described as soot or smoke that can be carcinogenic (cancer causing)

In low levels can cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nausea

Long-term low level exposure can cause damage to developing fetuses, cause cancer, and lead to liver or kidney damage

Pretty scary stuff, right? Also, there is always present threat of wildfires from unattended fires.

Please stop and reconsider before lighting up the next batch of trash, and help us all (and our Mother Earth) breathe easier and healthier.

We will be happy to answer your health-related questions, please send them to: [email protected]

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