This Sunday, May 5, the action returns to the Nosara arena, and the Development Association along with the Pro-Construction of the Senior Citizen Home of Nosara Association expect a large turnout.
The main attraction will be a motorized recreational event that will pass through the rivers and mountains surrounding Nosara. Although the final route is not yet confirmed, it should be about 60 kilometers.
Participation is expected from motorcyclists and quad drivers from Nicoya, Samara, Carrillo, Hojancha as well as Nosarans. The route can also be done with a 4x4 vehicle. Registration opens the very day of the event at 8 a.m. in the bull arena where the Nosara fiestas are held, and will cost 10,000 colones ($20) per vehicle. The race will start at noon.
But if you don’t have a vehicle, you can enjoy a number of activities in the afternoon and evening in the arena. There will be a ribbon race, women’s soccer (futbol 5), a rodeo and calf riding. This last activity is the most popular. As always, food and drinks will be sold.
With these activities, the Nosara Development Association seeks to raise funds to cover expenses such as disassembling the arena and supporting the group that aims to build the Nosara Senior Citizen Center, which will cost more than 120 million colones ($240,000) in the first phase, which is the day center. These funds have already been provided by the Social Protection Board (Junta de Protección Social), but they hope to add a second phase of construction so the center can also be open at night.
