Nosara’s proposed recycling centre took another step towards fruition this past weekend.
The recycling association held an information night and fundraiser at Hotel L’Acqua Viva on June 9. The event was attended by about 40 community and association members.
At the end of the night the association was about $7500 closer to their goal of $125 000 according to Ethel Araya an organizer with the association. Saturday’s totaled donations put the organizations total fundraised money at around $50 000.
Association members took turns outlining how the organization would operate. A primary concern of the association members was to explain how management and funds would break down.
Most of the management and business plan was derived from consultation with similar recycling centers in Nicoya and San Jose. From that they were able to break down running costs into three distinct categories, 60% operating, 30% for recycling pick-up and 10% for recycling association initiatives. |
 Audience members listen to presentation about the Blue Flag program which
tries to help local schools a Blue Flag certification for sustainability. One the
right is a thermometer displaying the fundraising goal. |
The association outlined a two-phase management plan, which would have the association members managing and operating the recycling centre during its initial operation run.
Their goal during this period would be to set up a pick-up arrangement with the company Microsan, who currently pick-ups the trash in Nosara, and to find a full time manager for the centre itself.
Phase two would see association members stepping back into a role as board of directors.
Fundraising efforts will continue as the association still has about $75 000 to fundraise. Organizers hope that community members, businesses and organizations will continue to help support their efforts to bring a recycling plant to Nosara.
Those looking to donate should contact Bobbi Johnson at [email protected]