The Voice of Nosara and Nosara Animal Care (NAC) are joining forces to find homes for abandoned dogs and cats in Nosara. With this campaign, you will get to know each of them better and also help them. Meet Haddy:
Name: Haddy
Age: 4 months
Description: Brown female dog
Medical History: Spayed, soon to be vaccinated.
Background: Haddy was found in a plastic bag beside the Rio Montaña with her two sisters. A tourist found them on their way back from Ostional, heading towards Nosara and brought them to NAC right away. They had lots of parasites and ticks but NAC cleaned them up and they looked quite healthy otherwise. The pups don't have big paws so Haddy will be a medium size dog when full grown.
She and her sisters all have very strong personalities and play hard with the big dogs. They even try to boss the adult dogs around and dominate them.
Haddy is the last one to be adopted. Her sisters have great homes and are very happy. Haddy was best friends with a kitten who was recently adopted. She really needs a good home soon where she can settle into.
If you want to help Haddie, share this story with your friends and family. You can contact Nosara Animal Care at [email protected] or on facebook at