
The Voice of Guanacaste Presents the Interactive Game #WithoutaDoubtAtThePolls

Learning about the proposals of the mayoral candidates in Guanacaste does not have to be boring, tedious or based on political party loyalties. At The Voice of Guanacaste, we believe that knowledge is very important, especially when it comes to choosing our next representatives.

That’s why we partnered with Fundación Conocimiento Abierto (Open Knowledge Foundation), a non-profit organization from Argentina, whose mission is to make sure that information from all public entities is just that: public.

In order to raise awareness among Argentines during the recent presidential elections in November of 2015, they created an interactive game called Yo Quiero Saber (I Want to Know) that was played by more than 1 million people in 14 days.

The Voice decided to bring the game to Guanacaste using the name Without A Doubt At The Polls.

In the game, you will find an average of 10 questions about current situations in the 11 cantons of Guanacaste. You choose one of four answer options, and the game will show you which candidate is most in agreement with you, based on your answers and the answers of the candidate.

In this way, we think you might be surprised, not only to find out that your candidate might not be who you thought, but also that you can learn by playing.
