Revelations are possible when Venus stations direct on the 31st. Our vision is clearing and we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Become realistic about your goals, focusing on quality over quantity. Put your finances in order. Use your inner resources to get where you want to go. Evolve your relationships, and work hard to change patterns of co-dependency or emotional avoidance. Watch situations mend, when given the space and time to transform. You are made of Beauty and hold all the keys to your success. There is a happiness living within you that cannot be bought or sold. Stand strong, radiating authenticity; you are more resilient than you know. The purpose of life is to evolve, and only the Universe says when we are finished growing. The trick is that we can grow in any direction we choose. Keep your eye on the ball, and spend each moment joyfully. Your thoughts are like seeds… plant a garden of goodness.
A second new moon arrives in Aquarius on the last day of the month, clearing the air and rousing us to action. Get out in the community and connect, surrounding yourself with the unique and the passionate.
Be humble as you follow the universal nudges to share. Keep an open mind, allowing fresh insight to propel you beyond any habitual routines. We each must do our part in creating this new reality. Be honest about the gifts you were given. Grow strong as your dreams and visions are mirrored to you in the desires of people around you. Trust your intuition, becoming the change you wish to see in the world. Spend time alone for moments of brilliance. Original impulses will guide you towards unique inspirations, and change your thoughts to more deeply reflect what you want out of life. This year contains a grand finale that begins in April and has the potential to transform us all. Don’t get caught up in trying to control the outcome, as there are many pieces of the puzzle yet to be seen. Take things one day at a time, doing your best to release anything that is not going to serve the new you/new life emerging. Accepting the way things are is sometimes the hardest thing to do. Let go of the idea that you know what is so, and begin to Dream. Envision a beauty-full humanity, moving beyond the ego to FEEL how it is to exist in the world. Begin to find the truths that speak for us all.