Photo by Adam Dietrich
Dear Friends of Nosara:
You are very special people to us, since we searched for my son in Guiones and the entire area. I have thought of honoring the life of my son and also transforming a little of the pain inside, converting it into a project to form a professionalized first response rescue brigade to attend to accidents in the ocean, to help avoid such painful and irreparable losses like what happened to our family is what I want to do.
Nosara is the first place where we want to start developing the Alvaro Duran Ribas Rescue Brigade (BRADR) to, in a loving way, recognize its inhabitants, your solidarity and kindness. The first attempt to offer lifeguard training didn’t succeed due to lack of people registered. We understand that the strategy should be different and we will try it again.
We need to be able to count on an ALLIANCE that will collaborate on part of the organization of the trainings and be the warning voice in moments of emergency. BRADR has three core concepts:
• Identification of the units
• Training of the people to professionalize their knowledge
• Support equipment
BRADR should be composed of rescuers, divers, fishermen, pilots, police officers and people who have the goodwill to want to be prepared and committed responsibly.
We believe that hotel owners near the beach and aquatic athletes such as surfers, boat captains, etc., can be highlighted as well as other people with a great service spirit to strengthen their abilities. It is known that unity creates strength.
In addition, this would not only work in cases of water accidents; it will also increase the resilience of the community in other types of disaster. I hope to coordinate with different entities such as municipalities, the local ICT and other area organizations as we have been doing from San Jose.
So our beaches are full of good memories and each family feels protected, we hope that many people join BRADR.
Are you interested? Are you part of a community association or group that wants to be our ally? Let us know. Call 8865-6606. It will be a pleasure to know your interest in forming part of BRADR.
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