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Robbery Rises in Nicoya Canton While Decreasing in San Jose

By Arianna McKinney

“In the last two years, Costa Rica was the only Latin American country that reduced the crime indexes,” the Presidential House posted on Facebook on Friday, July 20th.  

However, while the Presidential House is affirming that the government’s efforts to increase the police force and give the Public Force more and better resources has resulted in reducing the rates of assaults, rape and homicide, the improvements in the San Jose area have translated into an increase in crime locally as wrongdoers from there commit crimes elsewhere instead, according to Luis Eduardo Jimenez Ruiz, OIJ Chief for Nicoya.

According to statistics from Judicial Investigation Organism (OIJ) from the past three years, theft has decreased in the district of Nosara, but Nicoya has experienced an increase in armed robbery and Samara continues suffering from insecurity with an increase in robbery.

In July a man assaulted the Servicentro Samara gas station, pulling a gun on
the cashier.

Jimenez noted that although the incidence of vehicle theft has gone down in recent months in the canton, robbery of houses has increased, especially in the case of houses that are left alone for the majority of the day. 

In addition to a string of house thefts, several businesses have also been robbed recently. For example, in July a man wearing a motorcycle helmet assaulted the Servicentro Samara gas station, pulling a gun on the cashier. 

The Iguana Verde supermarket in Cangrejal of Samara was broken into at the end of June, and stole cash, cigarettes and alcohol. An image of the suspect was captured on camera, but he wasn’t someone local, according to store employee Juan Orias Castrillo. Posters with images from the camera have but put up around Samara with a message: “Ladrones fuera de nuestro pueblo” (Thieves out of our town).       

During school vacation in July, the school in Garza was also broken into. School Director Hannia Garcia Enriquez said someone removed the bars and made a small hole in a window, taking items such as a digital camera, computer speakers, sound equipment and backpacks that had been donated to the school.    

Tips to Protect Your Home

1. Don’t leave your house alone and if you must leave it, coordinate with a neighbor and tell him that you haven’t authorized anyone to take anything. 
2. Secure doors and windows well, if possible with bars for protection. 
3. Coordinate a neighborhood watch and call the Public Force if you observe subjects with a suspicious attitude or suspicious vehicles. 
4. Mark all electronics and house items with your identification number for better identification. 
5. When you go out to water or sweep, close the doors and, when you enter, observe your surroundings to avoid surprises. 
6. Don’t open the door to strangers.  Many times, unscrupulous individuals pretend to be from public service companies (such as electric, water and gas) to enter your home with bad intentions.
7. Denounce individuals who commit crimes, even if it’s anonymously, and don’t buy stolen objects.  If no one buys, there’s no business for them.

Source: OIJ Chief Luis Eduardo Jimenez Ruiz


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