
The Crocodile That Lurks Around the Beaches of Guanacaste

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In recent years, some tourists visiting the beaches of Guanacaste have been frightened at seeing a crocodile in the ocean. The fearsome creatures are not overpopulating the area; rather, navigating the ocean to move to a nearby river or pond is in their nature.

According to the National University’s expert on crocodiles, Laura Porras, only one type of crocodile inhabits Guanacaste, the American crocodile. Before 1970, crocodiles were almost extinct in Costa Rica due to hunting for their skins and meat. However, during that decade, the species began to be protected and that is why there has been an increase in population, responsible for the recovery of the species.

Adding to this, humans have invaded their natural habitats and developed more activities near and within the environment of the species, so now we see them more often.
