
Guanacasteco to Represent Costa Rica at TEDx Managua

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With his sight set on empowering communities with information and characteristic stories, the Guanacasteco Cesar Rodriguez Barrantes will represent Costa Rica at TEDx Managua on Saturday, September 26.

The fourth annual TEDx conference in Managua will be held at the Ruben Dario Theatre, featuring presenters with innovative ideas.

Rodriguez Barrantes, who is a lawyer by profession, loves education and is currently Commercial Director for The Voice of Guanacaste, explained that he will focus his presentation on highlighting the value that stories have in small villages.

“To be able to generate contextualized stories for the people in communities is to give [them] appropriate and necessary tools to be able to empower [themselves] and acquire more pertinent knowledge for decision-making. Today people know more about the Kardashians than their local characters,” said the Guanacasteco.

For RodriguezBarrantes, who is 28 years old, local news can renew the way in which rural communities are seen, breaking social stigmas.

As part of his work for The Voice of Guanacaste, the lawyer has distinguished himself with campaigns such as CuénteleunCuento (Tell a Story), through which some 800 books were collected for the province’s children.

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTuaf_uGOOk width:550 align:center autoplay:0]

