The construction of the park that the Municipality of Nicoya plans to make in Samara will begin during the first week of May. The park will be located on a vacant lot behind Villas Kalimba in the center of the community of Samara.
The go-ahead to begin work was given by the majority of the members of the municipal council after the approval of the order to pay the Nicoyan company EVICEN S.A. during the session of April 20, 2015.
The amount for the first stage is ¢38,000,000 (about $71,700) and includes: the construction of seats, bathrooms, the infrastructure foundation, forming levels, drainage systems and water storage tanks, among others.
Regarding the environmental aspect of this project, Josue Ruiz Guerrero, head of the municipal engineering department, indicated that reservoirs that store rainwater will be implemented to use the rainwater in rainy season in bathrooms, cleaning and park maintenance.
Less Cement, More Green
Ruiz also indicated that one of the main criticisms made by neighbors about the project was the fact that preliminary designs showed more cement than green areas, so taking these criticisms into account, they decided to include more ecological-style trails.
“We’re going to have more ecological-style trails, using a granular porous black stone as a base material, which will allow water to filter well, without using cement,” he explained.

Originally, these were the designs for the theme park in Samara Beach. However, at the request of Samara residents, the Municipality reduced the use of cement and plans to conserve the majority of the native trees.
In addition, Ruiz indicated that they will conserve 90% of the trees on the land, which is about 3,200 square meters (about 34,500 square feet), and they will build rainwater drainage systems with alternative materials other than cement.
After the first stage is finished, probably in June this year, they will continue the process for the second phase, which includes the installation of lighting so people can visit the park at night.
The Municipality of Nicoya still has to define what kind of facilities and attractions the park will have. Suggestions from neighbors have included: a wooden amphitheater, a cafeteria, a butterfly garden and a playground area for children.