Nicoya, Entertainment

Where Can I Watch the Costa Rica Vs. Greece Game?

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The Sele (short for La Seleccion, Costa Rica’s national soccer team) will play against Greece this Sunday, June 29, at Arena Pernambuco Stadium in Recife, Brazil.

Costa Rica qualified for the round of 16 from the “group of death” by beating Uruguay (3-1) and Italy (1-0) and finally tying with England in a scoreless game. If the Sele reaches the quarterfinals, the team would make history as the first Costa Rican squad to rank among the eight best teams in the world.

The Municipality of Nicoya and Coopealianza are organizing an event at the pavilion in Recaredo Briceño Park so that all Nicoyan families can join together to watch the game in comfort.

Allan Villafuerte, Commercial Representative for Coopealinza, indicated that attendees will be able to watch and support Costa Rica’s national team on 42-inch screens.

Villafuerte said that they will be setting up tarps around the pavilion to protect it in case of rain during the game.

The game starts at 2 p.m. Costa Rica time. The screens will be turned on at 11 a.m.

Here are a few options for seeing the game for those who live in or are visiting Nosara and Samara: in Nosara at Rancho Tico, in Playa Pelada at Pizzeria Il Peperoni, and in Playa Guiones at Hostel Sunset Shack (with a big screen), the Gilded Iguana Hotel and Restaurant, or the restaurant Cafe de Paris.

In Samara, the game will be on at Rancho de la Playa (with free chifrijo appetizers, salads and fried plantains) and Bar lo que Hay, both with big screens, and at the bar Arriba, with a big screen and four high-definition flat screen TVs.
