Playa Garza’s Fiestas will feature two activities in which everyone is invited to participate—the second annual running race on Saturday, March 1 and the traditional horse parade (cabalgata) on Sunday, March 2.
Running Race
According to Betsy Chavarria, one of six members of the Comite Fiestas de Playa Garza, last year’s first annual running race had about 100 people participate. The committee hopes to have even more enter this year for either the 10K or 5.6 K races. Participants should meet in front of the Mini-Super in Playa Garza for a 4:00 pm start Saturday afternoon. The course will go in a loop along the beach and back into town along the road.
Those interested in racing should call race organizer Nesmer Moreno at 8833-3814. Runners can also show up at 3:00 pm to register on the spot before the race. Race entry fees are 10,000 colones for the 10K and 7,000 colones for the 5.6K. The race has a facebook page at Segunda Atletica Playa Garza 2014 for more information and a list of sponsors. Places to register: San Jose Deportes Tibás 2240-1649, Nicoya: Agroveterinaria El Llanero, Sámara: Natural Center 2656-2360 e Intercultura 2656-3000, Nosara: Tienda Estiben 2682-0285
Horse Parade (Cabalgata)
Garza’s Fiestas will finish with a flourish with the traditional Horse Parade, Cabalgata on Sunday at 12:00 pm. Anyone with a horse is invited to participate for 10,000 colones and should show up at the Mini-Super at 11:00 am to enter. This fee includes food and drinks and entrance into a raffle. According to Chavarria, the 2 ½ hour ride will go up into the mountains, along the Playa Garza beach and end up in the Fiesta’s corral. Chavarria said this year’s Cabalgata will honor many local businessmen and cowboys but the guests of honor are longtime Garza cowboy, Jose Jimenez, and local rancher, Agustin Urbina.
Proceeds from all the Playa Garza Fiestas 2014 will go to improve the Garza soccer field, to the Garza School and to support Bandera Azul programs Chavarria said.