With the sea breeze and paradise-like waves of Garza Beach as a backdrop, President of the Republic Luis Guillermo Solis became the first president to visit the fishing community in its 70 years of existence.
The president held a discussion with residents of the community to listen to their requests and render an account of his first year in office.
One of the main topics was the maintenance of Route 160. A year ago, it was promised that it would progress in stages until being paved. However, machinery began work in August of 2014 and didn’t return until recently in June of this year.
On this topic, Francisco Lopez, representative of the Roadways and Pro Route 160 Pavement Committee of Nosara, presented a list of demands, including making progress with the process of expropriations and delivering design plans, of which more than 200 (of about 400) are ready so far.
Likewise, Lopez asked for the environmental impact studies and the report of relocation in public services. In addition, he requested the creation of a group that includes government officials and residents of the district of Nosara to oversee the work.
Regarding the delay in maintenance work, Carlos Segnini, Minister of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT), explained that it was due to appeals to the maintenance contracts by some of the construction companies, a circumstance that obligated Segnini to make an agreement between MOPT and CONAVI.
“One of the companies [who bid] appealed that none of the workers [of a certain construction company] were covered with the minimum wage law, so they claimed that the companies were paying workers less. For this reason, we had to opt for plan B and therefore we signed an agreement two months ago between MOPT and CONAVI,” Segnini indicated.
In addition to this maintenance of the 28 kilometers, CONAVI will use asphalt emulsion on 5 kilometers to stabilize and mitigate the dust in the major population centers along the route.
This work will consist of removing the existing asphalt and putting on a new layer.
Likewise, Rodolfo Correa, regional subdirector of MOPT, reported that they estimate that the asphalt mixture will remain for at least a year.
“We hope that, once this asphalt mixture is applied, it lasts for one year. This is a maintenance with dust mitigation in urban centers.”
He also indicated that the road should be raised by at least one and a half meters (5 feet) and the entire drainage system should be improved to prevent deterioration of the roadway.
Meanwhile, President Luis Guillermo Solis seemed to be partially satisfied with the progress of the work and remarked that if conditions do not improve on the route, he could arrive in Garza to hold a session with the Government Council.
“I feel relatively calm because they are doing things better than last year,” he said, adding, “I know you are tired of breathing in dust. If the situation does not improve, I am going to come with the ministers to hold a session of the Government Council here for a week,” Solis explained.
The president arrived by air to Nosara on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 22nd, and stayed at Hotel Harmony. His departure to the community of Hojancha after the discussion in Garza Beach was made by way of Samara.

Minister of Transportation Carlos Segnini reporting on the advances of the maintenance works on Route 160