
Telenoticias interviewed locals on case of thief released by judge

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Channel 7 Telenoticias sent a news team to Nosara Feb. 26 to report on the local uproar following the release of a burglar caught red-handed inside a house at Playa Pelada, and almost 100 concerned residents appeared at the Casa Tucan during the videotaping to show their outrage.

The news report will air Monday March 4 at 7 PM.

Local attorney Andres Gonzalez, who spoke to the Channel 7 reporter, said the biggest problem for him is that the law leans too heavily in favor of suspects’ rights rather than victims’.  But he also said the Nicoya judge had the discretion to imprison the suspect while awaiting trial, if he determined that there was violence involved, a flight risk, or a criminal history.

Gonzalez pointed out that videotape from a security camera showed the suspect brandishing a crowbar inside the house when he and two accomplices became aware of neighbors approaching the house.  “How can a judge think he’s not a threat when there are three guys with equipment and a network?  The judge is not considering all the facts,” he said.

The detained suspect, from Cañas, Guanacaste, was released in less than 24 hours and ordered to report to the court every 15 days while awaiting trial and stay out of Nosara.

The news team also interviewed the property manager of the burglarized house, as well as a local locksmith who has been kept busy by the burglars. Nosara Security Association President Steve Reyer also gave the news crew some extra footage by leading the crowd in a chant of “mas seguridad for Nosara!” (more security in Nosara!)
